EBS Symposium

The EBS Symposium, led by Klara and Theo, is the largest student business congress in Europe. It is organised exclusively by students and attracts more than 1000 participants every year. The ressort is responsible for organising the two-day event, recruiting the speakers, managing the budget and ensuring a successful accompanying program. The next symposium will take place on the 18th & 19th September 2025.

Klara Flierl and Theo List

EBSpreneurship Forum

The EBSpreneurship Forum organises one of the largest student entrepreneurship conferences in Europe. The event brings together students, founders and investors from the DACH region. This year, a team of more than 30 EBS Bachelor students, lead by Nicholas and Colin, is responsible for the organisation. Experienced founders and industry experts will impart knowledge about the development of companies – from the idea to the execution. Keynotes, workshops, interviews and networking opportunities at this event offer insights into the start-up ecosystem and career prospects.

Nicholas Torabi and Colin Kermer

EBS Immobilienkongress

The EBS Immoblienkongress ressort is led this year by Johan and Billy. Here, students who are interested in real estate come together to organise the annual one-day EBS Real Estate Congress. Students, companies and interesting speakers from the industry are invited to this event to give fundamental insights.

Johan Becker und Billy Groys

James Consulting

Founded in 1985, James Consulting is a student-run consultancy. Thanks to their intensive studies at EBS and numerous internships, our consultants have up-to-date, substantive and methodological knowledge that enables them to offer solutions tailored specifically to your company. This year, the ressort is led by Antonia and Florian.

Antonia von Tschirschky and Florian Nix

EBS Invest

The EBS Invest Ressort was founded in 1981, with which it is Germany’s oldest finance club. As a student initiative of EBS University, it offers a platform for the exchange and further development of specialist knowledge in the field of finance. The club regularly organises guest lectures and workshops with companies from the financial sector. These events give students an insight into the practical side of the business and promote exchange with experts. A central goal of the EBS Invest Club is to establish a link between academia and practice. Members benefit from practical knowledge and the opportunity to make contacts in the industry. This year, the ressort is led by Moritz and Selam.

Moritz Mausolf and Selam Abiye

In Vino Veritas (IVV)

This year, the “In Vino Veritas” wine ressort is lead by Xaver and Ann-Kathrin. In collaboration with the Ress winery, the initiative is responsible for the distribution of EBS wine and staying in touch with winegrowers from the region. The ressort organises frequent wine tastings. In this ressort, students gain basic knowledge about wine as an economic factor and learn important facts about grape varieties, growing regions, quality and wine labels.

Ann-Kathrin Lemke and Xaver Winterhalter

EBS Sounds

Our music ressort EBS Sounds is led by Finn and Sophie this year. The participants meet regularly to play music together. They also rehearse for performances that take place as various EBS events or within the nearby community.

Finn Schottmüller and Sophie Kranenberg