Law Congress

This year’s Law Congress is organised by Bente and Eliah. This initiative offers students the opportunity to network with experts in legal practice and gain insights into various areas of law. The focus is based upon the practical application of law and its interdisciplinary collaboration. The Law Congress contributes to supporting legal education at EBS University by giving students valuable insights to career possibilities in law.
Bente Hofmann and Eliah Wolf
Event Ressort

The Event Ressort is responsible all student organised events to enrich campus life and maintain the famous EBS spirit. The chairs, Lilly and Aamor, create exchange opportunities for students across different courses and semesters. The varied program by the Events Ressort reflects the diversity and dynamics of the EBS community.
Lilly Fraundschmidthals and Aamor Garvey
Sport Ressort

Paul and Fabio are responsible for the Sport Ressort this year. The aim of this ressort is to promote sporting activities and a healthy lifestyle among students. EBS students can contribute their skills, energy and enthusiasm to motivate fellow students. Here, planned events include tournaments, outdoor activities and public viewing.
Paul Leffer and Fabio Eberle
Politics Ressort

Under the lead of Anna and Charlotte, the Politics Ressort organises exciting talks with speakers from politics, law and business. They hold regular get-togethers in the university’s wine cellar in cooperation with the IVV Ressort. With which they also facilitate regular exchanges and discussions on current political issues both at home and abroad. Different speakers from different areas will give you new perspectives in order to expand your political knowledge.
Anna Böll and Charlotte Werner
Marketing Ressort

The Marketing Ressort at EBS University is led by Yannic and Fabienne. It is responsible for representing the university and its students. It provides insights into student life at EBS and information about the content and course of studies. Furthermore, tt also supports prospective students who want to get to know the university.
Yannic Awad and Fabienne Göthling
Legal Practice

The Legal Practice Ressort at EBS University, led by Lukas and Alex, offers prospective lawyers the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. It organises moot court competitions in which students train legal argumentation and analysis. These competitions simulate court proceedings and provide practical experience in a realistic environment.
Lukas Wohlleber and Alex Milenkovic
Studenten Helfen

The Studenten Helfen Ressort at EBS University, led by Sophia and Lara, is committed to social projects and supporting local communities. Students donate their time and skills to help people in difficult situations. The department organises volunteer work in soup kitchens, clothing collections and educational projects for disadvantaged children, among other things.
Sophia Martinsson and Lara Finkbeiner